Thursday, August 09, 2007

Google accounts with 9030Mb +

To wrap up the mystery of the increased Gmail storage many of you saw today: Google just released a shared storage program. This new offer merges the storage of different Google products into a single storage back-end. At this time, the Picasa Web Albums photo application as well as Gmail are part of the mix. But we can expect more services to be added to this program in the future. Google Documents (containing word processing documents, spreadsheets, and likely presentations soon, too) is a likely contender. Separate premium accounts, like the one Picasa offered before, are being removed in the meantime.

Now, if you need more storage for any particular application which is part of the shared storage program, you can buy some. The offers range from 6 extra gigabyte for $1/ year up to 250 gigabyte for $500/ year, as the table below shows (your payment will be processed with Google Checkout; note you will not receive the upgrade instantly, and Google says it may take “up to 24 hours" for your new storage amount “to appear in all services”). Especially for those of you for whom Gmail’s “you’ll never need to delete another message” claim was false as the inbox was overflowing, the extra 6 or 25 gigabytes may be worth it.

Google Shared Storage Pricing
6 GB$20.00 per year (Was showing $1.00 per year)
25 GB$75.00 per year
100 GB$250.00 per year
250 GB$500.00 per year

1 comment:

Lone VVolf said...

Except for me, it's showing that 6GB costs $20/year, not $1...